
Education and Training

Lectures about Renewable Energy and Energy Economy have been developed and presented at PHWT (Private Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik, former FHWT), which is a university of applied sciences for electrical and mechatronical engineers. These lectures have been given several times since 2009, and evaluations of their quality by the students ranged between "good" and "very good".

FHWT - Vechta-Diepholz-Oldenburg

For the "Fachhochschule Magdeburg-Stendal", which is a university of applied sciences, two further lectures have been developed and presented. Energy Meteorology and Renewable Energy II - advanced chapters extended the knowledge of electrical engineers in Magdeburg. The students taking advantage of these lectures described them mainly as "good", some as "very good", respectively.

Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal

Parts of the Energy Meteology lectures have been given in English at the University of Oldenburg in 2014. The same lecture has been presented in 2014 at the University Abdou Moumouni, just as a course in Basic Energy Modelling. The students coming from all over Western Africa, taking part in a master program (WASCAL) and have been natural scientists and engineers, recommended both lectures as "good".

University of Oldenburg

Last not least, lectures in Energy Meteorology have been given at the "Hochschule Nordhausen", which is a university of applied sciences. The students in Nordhausen studied "Environmental Informatics" and their evaluation of the quality has been "very good".

Hochschule Nordhausen
Heliometer   |   Mittelweg 89   |   D-26127 Oldenburg   |   Germany